UCF Computer Vision Course Notes (I) - Introduction and Filtering
Lecture I: Introduction to Computer Vision
- 2D array of numbers
- Gray levels 0~255
- Color image is 3 2D array of numbers
- Sequence of frames
Image Formation
- Light source
- Camera
- Scene
Perspective Projection
- Pictures are 2D array of numbers describe 3D real world, and that is one of the hardness of computer vision.
- Pin hole camera model
- Human detection
- Object recognition
- Face recognition
- Facial expressions - detecting driver alertness from eyes' moving
- Lipreading
- Video surveillance and monitoring - obeject detecting -> object tracking -> object categorization and classification -> event or activities recognition
- Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)
Dataset Introduction
- Almost all human action dataset, review here if need.
Lecture II: Filtering
Basic Image Knowledge
- Image kind
- Binary - only 0 and 1
- Gray Scale - only 0~255
- Color - 3D 0~255
- Image noise
- Light variations
- Camera electronics
- Surface relectance
- Lens
Correlation and Convolution
- Convolution adds two flip operations comparing to correlation
MATLAB funcs about filter
refer to: here
Author:Hongyang Wang, http://mr-why.com
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