Hubert Wang

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Hubert Wang

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QuickBooks Hackathon Experience

In this hackathon competition held by QuickBook in Silicon Valley on October 23th, our group "Jido Donor" used Jibo connecting with Google api.pi, Square, Postman, and QuickBooks API to finished a complete Jobo Donor, making donation process fun. We finally won over other 60 teams and got the Jibo prize.

This blog post includes the details of our product from idea to code. It also includes good ideas from other teams. Feel free to communicate with us using comments box at the end of this post!

1 Our group's Product

A common way for NGO to raise money: holding an event. In fact, every event costs a lot of money.

Jibo Donor makes donation to be everyday & everywhere.

Jibo Donor solution using artificial intelligence and accounting APIs.

1.1 our idea

Our team "Jibo Donor" focus on raising funds for non-profit organizations. Think about how does NGO raise money now? They hold events and parties and spends lots of money. So with Jibo, we want to make donate process fun and cheap, thus to provide new solution for NGO collecting money quickly with low cost.

1.2 Product introductions

1.3 Code structure

  • Githhub: Code released
    • Part 1 jibo using API and workflow control
    • Part 2 payment API and connect quickbook API
    • Part 3 Ai API and train jibo (my part)

1.4 Hackthon Outcome

We won the Jibo Prize competing with more than 60 teams:

2 Other groups' products


SeatJoy itself has no much to be said, but the concept of AI as a Service is really cool. Recently, Salesforce also used the idea of AI as a Service and released Einstein AI Cloud helping small business use AI into products.


ItemWise is also a NGO product. The idea is: Everyone can sell the Tshirt of events on this platform to collect money for NGO by simply taking a picture and sell it online.


Vlntr: crowd-sourcing for volunteers, made by a group of graduate students from Berkeley.


DEARY is the first prize Hackathon winner. It uses Amazon Echo to help the elderly overcome loneliness. They empowered Echo with AI response, aid function, and news reporting.

Interestingly, I happen to focus on addressing the elderly loneliness in PDV class and propose to use Echo to solve their peoblem. So it's really good to see that there are some people agree with this solution.

3 Fun on the wall

In the room of Hackathon, there is a wall for people to write anything they like. And many of the sentences are very funny.

4 Two more things

  • Jibo hot dance
  • Asking Jibo about news

Further Details
Intuit Blog:
Twitter: @IntuitDev #SmallBizHack @JiboDev #JiboDonor

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