关于宽客的 Quora / 知乎问答
一直对宽客这群靠数学模型分析金融市场的物理学家和数学家非常感兴趣,在 Quora 和知乎上搜索了一些相关问题,感兴趣的读者可以瞄瞄看 :)
From Quora
- What is quant trading?
- What is it like to be a quant?
- How do I become a good quant?
- What should I study if I want to get a quant position at some of the top finance firms?
- What are the top professional and personal qualities or traits of a successful quant developer and analyst?
- What are the most challenging mathematical topics to master before one can become a good quant?
- How do I become a quant after graduation from a machine learning PhD?
- To become a quant trader, which research areas should a machine learning PhD focus on?
- How do quants with PhDs view quants with master's in financial engineering or financial math?
- What are the best quant hedge funds?
- How do I prepare for a quant internship at Two Sigma, Jane Street etc.?
- How does one set up a quant trading business in R?
- What are the best interview questions to evaluate a quant?
- Will I make more money if I become a Quant?
- Is it possible build a trading strategy/software for private use?
- Quant 通常需要什么样的教育背景和知识结构?
- Quant 这个职业在国内的前景怎样?
- P Quant 和 Q Quant 到底哪个是未来?
- 什么性格的人适合 Quant 这个职位?Quant 一天的生活是怎样的?
- Quant 和程序员到底有什么差别?
- Stochastic Calculus 在现实的 Quant 世界中到底可以干什么?
- 纯CS(machine learning) 背景转quant 需要学习些什么?
- 对于 Quant 来说, Financial Modeling 和传统的机器学习方法有什么联系和区别?
- 对 Quant 而言 Python 的需求高吗,除 C++ 外还有哪些流行的编程语言?
- Quant 应该学习哪些 Python 知识?
- Quant 如何运算百万行的数据?
- 风险管理 (Risk Management) 和 Quant 的区别是什么?所需知识和技能都有何不同?
- Google 这样的公司为什么不涉足量化对冲或高频交易领域?
- 用人工智能计算股票的涨和跌可行吗?
- 如何看待纽约大学教授 Marco Avellaneda 的言论:Pure Quant 叱咤风云的时代已经终结?
- 可以获得国内股票和期货tick级别历史数据的数据库有哪些?